Thursday, January 19, 2017

Maxwell 5.0

  • When he grows up, he wants to be a policeman
  • favourite toys: giant alligator/crocodile, lego, and superman umbrella. doing artwork and having me frame them
  • favorite food: hot dog, fries and gravy, strawberries, gummy candy, rice crackers, ice cream floats, froyo, pumpkin granola flax cereal, maple brown sugar oatmeal, sunny side up eggs, and fresh white bread with no butter
  • favourite tv shows: PJ Masks 
  • favourite book: Paw Patrol
  • best friend: Kensington L.
  • favourite songs: seems to be singing songs about God he learned from school
climbing all over the counters in the kitchen, opening cupboards

pretending he flies and literally breaking the springs on the couch with his body crashes

he has an insatiable appetite

im so proud of him for putting up with swimming classes even though he always has to whine about not wanting to go prior, but always so proud of himself after ever class and has so much fun

i love how he asks me to tighten the velcro on his shoes and checks for tightness by doing long line lunges

i love how he tolerates his sister pinching or scratching him and her denying him of kisses. He is also  almost always so patient with her impatience

i love how he has so much patience with me when I'm trying on clothes and shopping, "you can take all the time you want mommy." and he even suggests clothes for me, albeit outrageous at times

i love how he's obsessed with "pee" "poo" "bum hole" "fart" haha, naturally I'm teaching him the medical terms as well

i love how he asks for tickles and be picked up at the same time as his sister so I'm toting both of them around in my arms- yes for a short period as they're both heavy af

i love how when he gets home, he just strips all his clothes off except his underwear. he would live semi nude if he could

i like (maybe love) how he asks me CONSTANTLY how strong someone is, how strong an animal is, how big they are, how fast they are using figures he can visualize (Max, you're as strong as a husky. Daddy is not as fast as the flash. The only thing that can hurt Superman is Kryptonite etc...)

I love how he's really into Vampires and has watched the complete Twilight Saga with me, multiple times on DVD haha

i love our dates together, just him and I once or twice a week. Date always involves a toy store and froyo with Nerds and sprinkles

i love how he is so eager to help with baking even though he's not a big baked goods eater

i love how he 'knows' mom only buys him toys during his birthday or Christmas and maybe Valentines and Easter. We have no problem leaving a toy store as long as he gets time to touch the toys he loves and I take a picture of it so we can reflect on it later

i love how every night before bed we post on Snapchat and play with the filters

i love his new, loud, belly laugh- innocence, genuine, childhood

i love how he still loves to cosleep with me

i love how this kid loves



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