Friday, June 23, 2017

September to June!

I'm always up for showing comparison photos because the change is just so not obvious when you see the person Even i was shocked at how much Mikkel has changed; one year is so huge for kids in every aspect.

The occasion for this day is that Max has graduated from level 2 preschool!
Officially a Kindergardener candidate, while I'm one less kid and so much more time on my hands than i know what to do with. I'm confident he will thrive, but also am nervous about TODAY'S REAL WORLD.
im also bummed that because of shift work, i might actually be seeing Max less. his schedule will essentially be monday-friday; when I'm off during the weekdays i see him at school drop off and 330pm- bedtime. if I'm on a night shift, i will only get to see him from 330-6pm (insert tears!)

my forever little boooyyyyyyyy!!
growing up way too fast.
the days are long, but the years are short- never rang so true.

pics below were September 2016 ------> June 2017 (school year in North America)


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