Friday, January 18, 2019

January 2019

One of my resolutions for 2019 is to print out more hard copy pictures of my children (thanks Costco for making this affordable!)

Did you know my portable hard drive is currently corrupted? it means i CANNOT access pictures and videos of my children from 2018 and earlier- like their entire f*cking history! thank goodness for this blog; the cataloging and uploading of their pictures so I was able to download from here and print out something for the albums. 

And because i've learned my lesson; and that it IS January after are my little loves in their current state of a NEAR Fresh 7 year old and 3 yr and 4 month old. 

(on a side note, i think i was pregnant with Mikkel when Max was about Mikkel's age. I'd just like to add that Mikkel is not at all the same as Max ((she's harder)) and that I can't even begin to imagine anticipating another baby with her neediness! sorry girl if you're reading this in the future, but i think you're a perfect LAST CHILD haha.

Total source of my white hairs, fine lines, and general life stressors but 

p.s. my new years resolutions
  1. skin care
  2. slow buying 
  3. one of my days off must be slow, makeup less, and staying in


  1. C says: started seeing TDK performance at Eyadini Lounge in Umlazi. That was when I encouraged her to get used to performing for people, starting from home and, of course, growing to perform for bigger crowds. I would usually ask her to perform in between my sets, just to build up her confidence..

    "And while she was there she went kayaking, white water rafting, on a kayak. And it flipped over and she couldn't right it, she couldn't get it back up. So they finally rescued her, but she was underwater too long and didn't have enough oxygen, so part of ugly christmas shirts her brain died, so dinosaur shirt she family t shirts was disabled,"Swearengin said.

  2. The market view has become somewhat uncertain now. On one hand inflation, as per RBI's own projections, looks benign as discussed above whereas, on the other hand, the central bank would look to hike rates as and when appropriate. The next policy review announcement is scheduled for December 5, 2018. (Michael Kors Black Gold Studded Bag)

    Black And White Leather Coach Purse, I see a grown man, who is quite tall and fairly heavy exit the vehicle and give this young man a shove that puts him back 10 feet and flat on his butt, Van Metter told the news site. "Like, just shoved him across the road. The kid didn't seem to be doing anything but standing there, obviously had nothing in his hands and weighed all of 130 pounds.

    Others state that the lift was used in the late afternoon to move some heavy equipment. What is certain is that the emergency telephone number (952 472842) necessary to call Otis is no longer valid and the current number is 901 240024. Soon we expect each cabin to have a telephone alarm installed which will automatically connect to the Otis service department as this requirement has been confirmed in a new contract with Otis. (Michael Kors Black Fulton Purse)

    On my last day of school, three of my students serenaded the class with a song written for me. I cried because I knew I had changed my life and theirs. To every teacher out there, thank you for letting me be a part of your world for a short time. (Red And Black Michael Kors Bag)

    The German police, living up to their reputation as wacky jokesters, dubbed their press release "Fifty Shades of Neustadt," and added that they "politely declined" the trio's offer to join in the sex act. Two masked guys and two uniformed officers just adds too many complications to the role play. It's tough to get off when you're trying to keep the plot straight."Someone In The Building Keeps Yelling For Help!". (Michael Kors Greenwich Large Grab Bag Black)


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