Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Life Lately May - August (COVID)

It's been quite a whirlwind these last 4 months since my last update. COVID continues, end of school, trying not to freak out at the kids while I balance full time work-motherhood-health and wellness threats- SCHOOL! 

Quick updates:

-Max passed grade 2 thanks to online learning, my patience and hardwork, Max's hardwork and patience after my persistent nagging and removal of privileges, a good teacher at his school

- My goals for the summer were to do those work books from costco for both of them; now 3 weeks until next school year starts i'd say we got through probably 30-40% of those books

- my goals for the summer was for Max to figure out how to multiply...he cant yet grasp 6x6 until 9x9 but can do the rest through memory and understanding (90% there) and well I'M DONE WITH IT

- we decided to get a dog because we just had that much time...they were born July 31st, and we're hoping to have one by October

- my goals for the summer also included Mikkel learning how to wipe post bowel movement in prep for school- 10% there, not sure what the set back was so im thinking she'll be holding it in until after school

- goal was to get my fitness on, kinda happened kinda didnt but not super disappointed as i'm sure COVID is here to stay and there will be plenty of opportunities during the winter to get indoor fitness going

- my shopping fix was mainly met by Costco, now that the malls have been opened, im honestly feeling like myself even though we dont go that often

- kids are also feeling a sense of normalcy now that they can indulge in the activities they enjoyed last Summer which includes eating at restaurants, McDonalds opening, pools opened (not our strata pool unfortunately), and seeing friends and family as our bubbles have expanded to a few more people

Masks are a thing nowadays and thankfully, the kids are fine with them on. Mandatory on transit (Aug 24) and recommended elsewhere. To help keep up the good work, I made these mask lanyards for us so we can always have them handy while reducing the constant touching of the masks as I stuff them in and out of my far so good, kids are always into it when they can choose their colors

Mikkel is turning 5 on September 1st, here she is looking like she's 16!

Sadly, the kids in private and public school didnt finish their school year. Here's a pic of Mikkel on first day of preschool and technically the last day of preschool (June) even though school really ended March 14th. Sad that she didnt get to say bye to her friends whom she'll probably never see again (satellite school) but also, she was at the point where post her dog-chase attack, I was getting tired of her crying when we dropped her off in class. This break gave her some time to grow up and get over her fear of dogs and separation from us.

Max's first day of school and last day of grade 2. Boy was he frustrating to teach at home; it's been a learning curve and ive come to realize that he isnt the type of person to get some simple instructions and just do the work. I literally need to be down on the floor with him and working with him and feeding him ideas. SO FRUSTRATING until I understood his learning style, bypassed the whining and rolling around the floor. I also have very little patience, there, I said it.

We did a makeshift Easter egg hunt at the garden and watched mass ONLINE! 

Max restarted jiujitsu once the schools re-opened, I dared not do yet another ONLINE activity!! He's in pods of 3 kids whom he can partner up with, the school isnt busy, and it's just something to look forward to rather than being on his ipad doing NOTHING. I think it's been great for his mental health and physical health; he knows he's good at this so it's never been a huge chore.

We are teaching Mikkel how to ride a bike but it's not coming as easy as Max at this age. So, I upgraded he scooter to a Maxi Micro and she's now got her own new set of wheels and independence. She's definitely the type to do something when she's ready, not through pressure from external factors.

We're hoping one of these miniature bull terriers will be our dog!! 

More Easter pics: lesson learned, Mikkel is very patient and would scout out the area for her eggs. Max on the other hand gets frustrated when his sister beats him with he number of eggs found and whining comes first before asking for help. 

Urban campfire and roasted marshmallows! 

First I found a 4 leaf clover and was raving about it. I dared Max to find one and that i'd pay him $20 if he did. Much to my surprise he found one within the 45minutes and I was out $20!! 

family portrait c/o Mikkel at 4yo

We did some night walks his early summer where we would go out around 945pm with our lanters and just walk around the neighborhoodfor 45minutes or so. Mostly fun, sometimes creepy, but we were getting home a little too late in my opinion- will continue when the sun sets a little earlier.

Max took on mountain biking at the local hills and he is great for a first timer! I've captured most of his moves on his TikTok account max.millions2012

apparently his future car! What's a car like this doing in our neighborhood anyways?! 

First few weeks of COVID, the buses were empty! Here's girlfiend mask-less (dont need a mask if we can maintain social distancing right?) and sitting on her own with me semi-far away. She's come a long way!!

Glow bowling per Mikkel's request, one of our early phase 3 activities

childhood continues even in the time of a pandemic!

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